WordPress Debug Bar Add-On Plugins That I Love

Josh Pollock - March 27, 2014

I’m slowly filling the internet with articles mentioning my love of the WordPress Debug Bar Console plugin. While it is my favorite and most used add-on plugin for the Debug Bar, it is not the only add-on that I use and love. Today I wanted to share my favorite add-ons, most of which are not included in the Developer plugin.

What Is The DeBug Bar?

The debug bar plugin adds a debug option to the WordPress admin bar. It turns red when you have any errors on your site. When you click on the red debug button you get a nice, clean output of all errors on the page. The debug bar also gives you some basic info about the current query and the contents of the object cache. The real power of the plugin comes from its many add-ons, such as the debug console, which lets you quickly and easily execute PHP or MySQL and see the output without affecting your site.

Lesser Known Add-Ons For The Debug Bar

Post Types


This add-on provides vital information about all currently registered post types, including custom post types and default post types. The best part is the grid that shows the capabilities of each post type and the name of the capability. The second part of that is especially useful when setting custom capabilities.



I am a big fan of transient caching. I wrote a plugin to make transient caching queries easier. When working with transients it is important to be sure that the transient you set exists and what is in it. This add-on gives you a list of all transients and their contents. It even gives you an option to translate the actual content, which is generally a serialized array into readable output. It also gives you an easy way to delete transients, which is also very useful.

Actions and Filters


filter-hooks-debugThis add-on shows you actions and filters that are hooked to the current request. For filters, it shows you the name of the callback functions hooked to each, with their priorities. This is very useful information when trying to figure out what to hook a function to, or why a filter didn’t work as expected.